Comms8 - Cross-Border Marketing Agency

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What is the Home of Your Business?

Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of “Eat, Pray, Love”, talked about the “Success, failure and the drive to keep creating” in her recent TED talk. In the talk, she revealed “I love writing more than myself” and “Home is whatever the thing is that you love more than yourself.”

This well applies to the business world. Every company needs a home. A home is what a company is most passionate about; a home is the DNA, cornerstone or core value that sets a company apart from its competitors; a home stands the test of time.

What is the home of your business?

While home can be anything, it is incredibly important to give it a precious definition. Let me give you some examples: Innovation is the home of Apple; luxury is the home of Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group; fun is the home of Coca-Cola; adventure is the home of Virgin Atlantic; connection is the home of Facebook; and sustainable living is the home of Unilever.   

Arguably, the success of any brand starts with its ability of formulating and finding its home. Only when the home is found, you will then be able to begin to communicate your messages across to your audience clearly, to connect with them emotionally, and to become a memorable brand. Unsurprisingly, Apple still ranks the top on the Forbes’ “The World’s Most Admired Companies 2014 List” after the death of Steve Jobs – because it can tell people exactly what its home is – i.e. innovation – right from the beginning till today.

At Comms8, creativity is our home. Creativity underpins all our work here. Through our creative solutions, we strive to empower brands to realise their infinite potentials beyond borders.