Award-winning DIGITAL PR agency

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Engaging with the online community, media and influencers is an inevitable way to build your brand's presence in this modern landscape.

Aside from traditional media, engaging with the online community, media and influencers is an inevitable way to build your brand's presence in this modern landscape.

In the traditional PR practice, it focuses on mass media channels like radio, television, newspaper and magazines to spread a brand's message. Evolving from traditional PR, digital PR not only works with online media, journalists and influencers to gain exposure and raise your brand's share of voice but also to publish quality articles online to gain high-quality backlinks to improve your brand's search engine ranking and online visibility.

Having a digital PR strategy would be a great asset to your business as it could help:


Our Digital PR Services

Being a digital data-driven savvy, Comms8 is your reliable partner in strengthing your online presence. We help you with:


Our Digital PR Strategy


At Comms8, from FMCG to B2B, we have an extensive media network across industries that would suit your brand's goal in extending your share of voice online. Earned media coverage is a long-term game, we take pride in our data-driven and purpose-led business model. Contact us now to up your online presence game!

Client Testimonial

Case studies on digital PR

Insights on digital PR