
Offline marketing can still be strong

Media partnership is a collaboration between a brand and a media outlet to build brand credibility, visibility, and reach a wider audience. A key benefit of building a media partnership is that it helps to establish businesses as experts in their domain and to leverage the media's readership to create content that would be of interest to the readers, aka the brand's target audience.

When building a media partnership, be it digital or print media, it is of utmost importance that the brand knows its target audience - including demographic, geographic and behavioural attributions, before deciding which media outlet to collaborate with. The better you understand your audience, the easier it to pick the most suitable media outlet and leverage its readership to reach your audience.

Media partnership benefits

Unlike advertorial article write-up, which could also be part of the collaboration, a media partnership can come in various formats - such as webinars, events, themed pages and interviews.

Shared by industry experts, media partnership could possibly drive up to twice as much effectiveness for a brand campaign over advertising. Below are some reasons behind this:

Here at Comms8, we have helped brands of various business backgrounds to leverage media's reputation for its own brand. With the above-mentioned benefits, the ROI of media partnership is beyond simple collaboration. Chat with one of our experts to find out more!

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