Comms8 Pledged to NetZero Commitment to Sustainability

At Comms8, we believe that environmental sustainability is essential for the future of our planet. From climate change to air pollution, the world is facing an unprecedented range of ecological challenges, and it’s more important than ever to take action now. We are proud to announce that we have officially pledged to NetZero, confirming our commitment to reducing our environmental impact.

‘Pledge to Net Zero’ is the environmental industry’s global commitment, requiring science-based targets from its signatories to tackle greenhouse gas emissions within their organisations.

The pledge recognises the need for those in the environmental sector to demonstrate leadership and take strong actions to mitigate the most significant impacts of climate change.

As part of our NetZero commitment, Comms8 is committing to:

1. Delivering greenhouse gas reductions in line with Science Based Targets’ 1.5°C climate change scenario.

2. Publicly report greenhouse gas emissions and progress against this target each year.

3. Publish one piece of research/thought-leadership each year on practical steps to delivering an economy in line with climate science and in support of net zero carbon.

In order to reach these goals, we will be implementing a number of measures to reduce our current carbon footprint, such as using renewable energy sources, and seeking out new methods of recycling and reusing materials. We will also work hard to increase public awareness of our commitment to NetZero and the importance of sustainable business practices in general.

Today, Comms8 has taken the first step on a journey towards creating a cleaner and more sustainable future. We hope our efforts will encourage other companies to join us in creating a greener future.

Let’s build a green planet for our future!