Content Strategy


Content is king

Not only connecting individuals, social media platform is also one of the most important channels for brands to increase their brand awareness, connect and engage with audience, as well as to boost sales. Over 3.8 billion netizens around the world use social media, and each of them owns 8 different social media platform accounts on average. A lot of netizens spend more than 100 minutes on social media every day, including users from UK and China. It is therefore important for us to maintain a brand’s social media account with a good content strategy.

We believe content is king. To maximize the exposure and influence of your brand on social media, Comms8 will help you with a comprehensive strategy, starting from identifying the most suitable social media platforms that best target your audience, to creating the most engaging social media content on the platforms.

In terms of overall planning, Comms8 can help you with:

While for content creation, we can work with you on:


Comms8 believes with a good content strategy, we will be able to help you to implement effective forms of communications on the right social media platforms, targeting the right people. In Comms8, we provide social media content management for below platforms:

It is sometimes not easy to start a Chinese social media account.
Visit Social Media Set Up to know more about what Comms8’s can help you with.

Client Testimonial

Case studies on content strategy

Insights on content strategy