Seasons of China
“Seasons of China” is a Chinese documentary series featuring 24 Solar Terms produced by the China Xinhua Network Corporation (CNC) - twenty-four periods in traditional Chinese lunisolar calendars that matches a particular astronomical event or signifies some natural phenomenon. Promoting 24 travel destinations in China, CNC wished to leverage the series to promote tourism. Comms8 was tasked to expand the awareness on the show via media in the Western market, to help contribute to the travel industry.
PR & top-tier media outreach: Targeting travel-related publications and media, we developed the press release and reached out to top-tier international travel publications such as BBC, CNN, National Geographic, Lonely Planet, Telegraph. We worked closely with journalists to share the beauty of the documentary.
“Seasons of China“ PR campaign
The campaign reached over 1,650 media publications and generated over 60,000 impressions - a success in spreading the documentary to a wider audience.