Posts tagged NFT case study
The North Face's NFT Launch in China: A Case Study in Web 3 Marketing

The outdoor clothing brand, The North Face, has recently introduced a collection of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) in China, in an attempt to capitalize on the country's strong desire to be up-to-date. Nevertheless, the launch has sparked controversy because NFTs and cryptocurrency are prohibited in China. This article will analyze the North Face's NFT launch in China as a case study and examine how it could serve as an effective model for successful Web 3 marketing tactics. We will also demonstrate how marketers can collaborate with our team for their future Web 3 marketing endeavors.

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What are the NFT cases in China now?

Non-fungible tokens (NFT) started to be popular in the world in 2021., and untill now, it still is the talk of the town. Some investors have questioned whether NFT has already reached its peak in the digital market. From different NFT projects launched in Asia, we can foresee the NFTs in Asia are going to be the next big market. In this article, we are going to discuss the coming NFT trend in Asia and the reason giving rise to their success.

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