Posts tagged chinesemarketingagency
‘She Economy’ Continues to Expand to More Sectors in China

Marketing to Chinese women is not easy. Brands should be very cautious about perpetuating stereotypes. Tmall, for example, faced a lot of backlash for their 2018 Women’s Day campaign “Living with Feminine Power”, as their idea of “feminine power” included things like dealing with a blister from high-heel shoes, and exercising to try to lose weight. Also, brands should not be tokenistic, and launch a campaign simply for the sake of being feminist. An impactful campaign is one that builds upon the existing brand identity and storytelling. Brands should consider how to relate their story to women in a positive way.

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The Future of SE Asia’s E-Commerce is Social Media

The increase in digital connectivity and the evolution of new technologies has bridged the gap that existed between e-commerce and social media - social commerce. SE Asia has further paved the way for social commerce to spread its wings across the region. Growing digital usage, greater adoption of social shopping technologies and a global pandemic has accelerated social commerce in SE Asia.

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Video Streaming in China: A Diversified Market for Brands

For Asian tech companies, the battleground of them has expanded into the lifestyle sector. They are scrambling to capture grocery shoppers of all ages. It is noticeable that a new business model that’s getting a lot of funding is that of Nice Tuan, the so-called community group buying. Thus, tech companies are clearly aggressive about online grocery and are diversifying their portfolios to secure market shares.

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