Posts in PR
Storytelling Is at the Heart of Every Great Brand

Whether you are from the East or the West, the desire to tell and share stories that engage never fades. The power to communicate with audiences is through a captivating story that is richly threaded with brand values. While this is a main stay in Europe and the US, the picture is a little more varied in China.

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Travelling, Dining out, Entertainment… Here's What the Chinese Spent $146 Billion on Over New Year

Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival in China, is an important Chinese festival celebrated at the turn of the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar. Chinese New Year holiday is a time when Chinese citizens reunite with their family and usually a time when they spend.

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How Chinese Brands Won Over Our Hearts this April Fool's Day

For brands around the world, April Fool’s Day is the perfect chance to communicate with their audience and improve brand awareness. Nowadays, Chinese brands are more global-centric and have started relating with the international audience by tapping in the global festivals and topics. We have picked two of the best Chinese campaigns embracing the sense of humour on this April Fool’s Day.

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